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Reveno | Event-Sourcing CQRS framework

Reveno is thoroughgoing lightning-fast, durable and yet simple async transaction processing JVM based framework made to fit your domain in first place. It’s highly influenced by patterns/approaches like Event Sourcing, CQRS, Zero-Copy, DDD, Mechanical Symphaty.

High performance with low latency

Able to process millions of transactions per second with mean latency measured by tens of microseconds on an average hardware, thus delivering the result with the speed of lightning.


A rich set of configurations for journaling, in-memory model snapshotting and clustered failover replication makes the system totally reliable, so you make sure no single bit of data is lost.

Easy to code, fluent API

We kept simplicity at heart of the project so that you can concentrate only on a domain model and transactional business logic, and let Reveno do the rest dirty work for you.

Most of todays solutions are suffering from excessively complex architecture and hard maintainable infrastructure, not to mention an overall maintenance cost of them.

The purpose of Reveno is to give an easy domain-oriented development tool with simple and transparent infrastructure, with perfectly fitted components for max performance. But easy doesn’t mean simplistic. Instead, we are different in intention to give you as many options as possible, so you can choose the best one for you.

Few highlights:


Maven repository

The current list of available artifacts in Maven consists of:

Importing last version




dependencies {
    compile 'org.reveno:reveno-core:1.23'
    compile 'org.reveno:reveno-cluster:1.23'

Sample usage

This example is not a quite useful in reality, but can give you a very good look at how easily relatively complex things can be done. For more real case example, we strongly encourage you to look at our examples.

Reveno reveno = new Engine("/tmp/reveno-sample");

	.transaction("createAccount", (t,c) ->
		c.repo().store(, new Account(t.arg())))

	.transaction("changeBalance", (t,c) -> 
		c.repo().get(Account.class, t.arg()).balance += t.intArg("inc"))


long accountId = reveno.executeSync("createAccount", map("name", "John"));
reveno.executeSync("changeBalance", map("id", accountId, "inc", 10_000));


Quick start guide

For the quick start guide and other very useful documentation, go to our page


Our javadoc page can be found here


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